The way
Everything is One. You are the Universe, you are everything that has ever existed. That means every Being, Animal, Tree, River, Planet and God that has ever existed was You. You are the Creator of all things, and the Creation that manifests in infinite types of forms.
Being alive is a funny trick, you’re actually in a dream state. You must forget your true essence in order to experience life subjectively in this world. The Universe must project itself into 2 in order for itself to witness itself, and experience itself. The division is an illusion. The story of Adam and Eve was the metaphorical beginning of this dream, the illusion of separateness, and living in duality. Eating from the tree of knowledge. Life/Death. Good/Bad. Male/Female. etc. Awareness is the witnessing component of the duality world experience. Behind the thoughts in your mind that make up the story of you, is Awareness. Awareness is your true essence. It is light. It is love. It is completely fulfilled and joyous. It lacks nothing, it is perfect. It is as vast as space with infinite possibilities. It is open to all things and experiences. It is the Source of all things. It is connected with Everything.
Your mind exists in the duality dream world, where everything is separate. A subjective experience. Storys, ideas, thoughts, labels, and language can only exist within this duality. They need an opposite to contrast with them. You cannot know good without bad. Or me without you. Or matter without space. Most of the time, we live in this mind bubble, the ego, the story of me, and forget our true essence, which is the Awareness behind the thoughts. But Awareness is always there. Always silent. Perceiving this experience. We are all connected by this light within us. Our Soul. It is in every Being. We are each a branch from the same universal tree of life. Each has its own unique kaleidoscope reflecting the light within us. Our body is a vessel that allows us to engage in this material world. We get to fully experience it using our senses like sight, taste, touch, smell, sound, etc. Life is a gift. Take care of this sacred vessel while also using it to explore this world and all it has to offer. Death is also an illusion. At the end of your life, this form/vessel/body simply returns to the earth, recycled into this material world, to take on a new form. Your Soul returns to the Source, where all forms are born from. No longer in the field of time and duality.
Life is like a game. Your mind will always be presenting possibilities for your life. Your thoughts are possibilities of potential. They will influence your experience. Always lean towards pure love, compassion, bliss, and living a happy, beautiful, authentic life. Do not fight thoughts, You cannot control them. But You can control which thoughts you choose to adopt and let them influence your life path. Some thoughts are useful and others are not. Do not attach or focus on the ones that are not useful. Your mind is like a computer, and your beliefs and perceptions of reality are like the software. Behaviour and habits come from this. If you don’t like the programming, change it. Sometimes this can happen instantly, sometimes it takes time to undo unconscious patterns. Become a master of your programming.
There is a Force that orchestrates your life. It knows you better than you will ever know yourself. It is beyond anything that we can comprehend. Pay attention to it, listen to it, and live in harmony with it. It is your Soul guiding you on a personal path that is unique to You. Pay attention to the clues around You, some are subtle, some are not. Beautiful things can come out of this Force, through You acting as an antenna, projecting new forms into this world that are beyond your wildest dreams. Create a dance between your own free will and this Force that is guiding you. Ask for its help and guidance when needed.
I don’t know if God, the Universe, truly knows how it does what it does. The mystery of life could be a mystery to God. Who knows. But I think the Universe is leaving clues about its true nature and patterns. It is starting to slowly reveal more about itself, to humanity, through art, technology, curiosity, exploration, and passion. Living an authentic life is your way to participate in this awakening and contribute love to the Universe in whatever form that may be. Nothing is too small or too big. Whatever brings you the most joy is what brings the Universe the most joy. Do not judge anyone for being themselves. Do not harm anyone. Love the natural world, but don’t judge yourself or anyone else around you for how they feel about it, treat it, or live within it. Live within it in a way that feels true to you. Know that all things happening is God’s will, your will. So even things you perceive as evil or wrong or bad, do not judge. There will always be people who have forgotten their true essence, and they will act on impulse. Their mind can be foggy, and their awareness and love can be hidden to themselves. But it is always there. They are necessary for the game of life. Treat them with love and compassion. They are still part of your same Being.
Having an enlightened experience is waking up to who you are, God, Awareness, the Universe, Light, Everything. It is an experience that is undeniable. It is removing the veil briefly to remember the eternal truth of your Oneness with the Universe. It is the end of faith and the beginning of knowing. You have known it all along, You just forgot through the illusion of time. This has happened to many people, and I think it’s going to start happening to more. What would life be like if every human knew behind the layers that create the story of their identity is one single Being? One Essence, one Soul, one Life. How would they treat each other? How would they treat the planet and animals? What would that society, culture, or family look like? Does humanity go through cycles like day and night, of awakeness and dream? Are we entering a season of humanity where more people become awakened? I think humanity is in the process of finding these things out. Enlightenment is not needed. But it is there for those who seek it. There are many paths to this. Some are traditional through forms like meditation. Some happen unexpectedly. Some can happen through the use of psychedelics. Whichever the path, focus on this moment, there is no destination in the perceived future. Look inward to the silent awareness. If you do have this experience, you will learn the memory of it is dream-like, and slips away as the mirror fogs up again. Do not attempt to live in this state, it is not possible, that will come in the afterlife. Now is the time to be alive, it’s why you’re here.
At the core of many religions is a Being who realized this eternal truth and has tried to articulate this to the people around them. Those Beings were trying to explain the same truth in their own way. It is challenging to explain these things through language as it transcends all thought. In trying to explain these things it is easy to get stuck in the words and metaphors and miss the point of the teaching. The original Hebrew translation of sin, is to “miss the goal”. The Goal, is the realization that we are All made in the image of God, and are not separate from God, or light, or this world. When One gets stuck in the metaphors, stuck in the words, stuck in the ideas, they get stuck looking at the hand that is pointing to the light, rather than looking where the hand is pointing. To the light within you. Use whatever religion, practice, teachings or way of life that align with you.
Let the world naturally flow through You. Live knowing it is an extension of You. Life has so much beauty and love to offer, participate in it joyfully. Watch the world blossom. Forms are temporary, enjoy them while they are present. Life is a constant cycle of death and rebirth. Within the field of time things are always changing. Flow with them like the rivers to the ocean. Challenges will present themselves, but quietly stay centered and respond to them with love and compassion, and without being concerned about the outcome. The Universe is perfect just the way it is. Live in your Beingness. Just simply exist. Stay centered between the inner Being, and outer Being. Between Oneness and the subjective experience. Between Awareness and mind. Trusting the Force to guide you through life. Be compassionate with yourself and others. We aren’t perfect, it’s impossible to be. You must always have at least one spec. Just as the small spec in each side of the yin and yang symbol. It is the jokester that can present itself at any time to flip the script. But do not fear it, love it and accept it. It is needed for growth and the experience of life. You’re perfectly imperfect and you don’t need to change anything. But if you do, that is your journey, no judgment.
“I Am”